Sunday, August 27, 2006

Globalisation is Good - Johan Norberg on Globalization

A Pro-globalization documentary. Johan Norberg visits Taiwan, Vietnam, Kenya and Brussels to find out what globalization has done for the world and what has went wrong in Africa.
He claims that globalization is good and that countries need it. That the industrial sweatshop economy is merely a transitory stage to democracy and wealth for all.
Great documentary showing positive effects of the outsourcing of labor and capitalism in general.

It does not let the "anti-globalists" speak for themselves.
It does not mention that employers and employees have different interests.
No negative effects of, or alternatives to globalization are mentioned.
Anti-globalists do, contrary to what Johan Norberg claims, not believe that subsidizing farmers in rich countries and keeping high tariffs on imported goods from poor countries is the right thing.
Anti-globalists believe in workers rights, enviromentally sustainable production and producing what can be produced locally instead of shipping everything around the world.

Johan Norberg

Iraq: The Continuous War

A German documentary following American and British soldiers in Iraq.
Shows a lot of their problems: failing moral among the troops, unsuccesful cooporation with iraqis, fighting against rebels in a city that is full of civilians.
The documentary portrays the entire military operation in Iraq as very unprofessional/ineffective/impossible, but it seems right in doing so.

The largest nuclear weapon ever: Tsar Bomba 50 Megatons

Short video of Russian nuclear tests, ending with the explosion of the giant Tsar Bomba.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

John Pilger - The New rulers of The World

Anti-globalization documentary. It is about the conditions of Indonesian sweatshop workers. The alleged economic advantage the west has taken of the country, ignoring human rights abuses (Indonesian Civil War). The great inequality in the world. 3rd world debt. Corporate control.
There are 2 good interviews in the documentary with leading people from the IMF and The World Bank.

Wikipedia on John Pilger

Monday, August 21, 2006


Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Art of Flight - Documentary on Sudan, Darfur Refugees

The Art of Flight is about a freelance journalist's travel from Egypt to Sudan and back again, where he documents the lives of refugees fleeing from the war. The life of a Sudanese refugee is hard in the unwelcoming Egyptian society. The refugees often can't get a job and there are reports and pictures of police and gang abuse. The journalist also follows the weapon inspectors from a peacekeeping force in Sudan.

Criticism: It lacks an in-depth historical explanation of Sudan and the journalists melodramatic tone of voice gets tiresome.


The history of Sudan

Friday, August 18, 2006

Flouride Deception

Short introductionary anti-fluoride documentary. Shows a journalist telling about his findings on the health effects of fluoride and an alleged corporate coverup.

Wikipedia article on the water fluoridation controversy

Cancer Frigidis Rockinsis

A marine biologist discovers a rare and elusive species of snow crab that only surfaces once every twenty five years.

Vietnam Veterans Against War

Short history of the Vietnam war and the group of veterans protesting against it in USA.

Beneath the Surface

Time-lapse video of a primate specimen being thawed, skinned, dried, skeletonized by flesh-eating beetles and blown away.

Leafcutter Ants - the First Agriculture

Ants using antibiotics to control the pests in their garden for 50 million years.

The Amazing Cataglyphis Ant

The Amazing Cataglyphis Ant that navigates using the sun.

Termites - Life's Ultimate Architects

Short interesting documentary about termites. Shows the inside of a termite colonys mound.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Warriors of the French Foreign Legion

Good documentary on the french foreign legion. Shows their training and history.
Footage of their affairs from all over the world.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Invisible Children

A documentary by 3 american college students and their trip to Sudan and Uganda.
Most of the movie is in small town in northern Uganda where the travellers find a large group of children that have fled from their homes into the relative safety of the town out of fear from becoming abducted and being used as child soldiers. The documentary shows and tells of the horrors of the war and those the children have experienced and what effect the war has had on them. There is also a bit of historical information on the conflict.

This documentary was shot in 2003 and as far as i can read from the Wikipedia article on Ugandas history they still havent got real help.


911 Loose Change

911 Loose Change is a very popular conspiracy documentary video on the September 11, 2001 attacks.
I suggest that you read the criticism on Wikipedia or the expert article on it too.

Conspiracy arguments refuted by experts.
Fun anti-conspiracy post

Monday, August 14, 2006

Noam Chomsky - short biography and interview

Short background story on Chomsky followed by an interview about his views.
Control of the public, the humanitarian crimes committed by the western world and the positive changes that have happened to the public mind since around the Vietnam war.

Wikipedia article on Noam Chomsky

Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media

Almost 3 hour long documentary based on a book that Noam co-authored.
Explains how the media is working to control peoples opinion or to keep them from having one (apathy, isolation).
There are many good scenes of Chomsky answering questions which are critical of this theories.
The documentary is edited a bit in the same way as The Corporation with lots of cutting, but it generally keeps to the subject and has less "fill in" vintage scenes.
Manufacturing Consent was produced in 1992, but i believe most of the content in it is still relevant and interesting. There has been a huge change in independant news and information with the rise of the internet (internet is not mentioned in the documentary).

Also features information on the crisis of East Timor in 1975, a little known example of "evilness" Noam often uses. Historical info on East Timor at Wikipedia


Not available on google video but you can download it from (736 mb avi file)

The Future of Food

The Future of Food is a documentary about the workings and dangers of genetically modified food.

Other subjects
  • The change of patent laws to allow the patenting of living things.
  • The companies that sell agriculture supplies most notably Monsanto.
  • Individual cases where farmers have been sued by Monsanto because their genetically modified crop has been found growing on the farmers land.
Note: The music is obviously being used in a manipulative fashion, a bit annoying.


The Corporation

The Corporation. Wikipedia has extensive info on it.


Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land

Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land is a documentary about how the israeli-palestine conflict is reported in the american media. It also has a lot of facts on the conflict. If not totally unbiased it does at least help explain why arabs and left wingers feel the way they do.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Century of the Self

A BBC documentary about the development of the public mind and the methods being used to manipulate people since the beginning of the 20th century. From the beginning of marketing, through the change of consciousness in the 60's-70's to the recent political strategy of the succesful Labor party. By the same person that made
The Power of Nightmares

IMDB link
Wikipedia info

Part 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4

The Power of Nightmares

This is a BBC produced documentary about the history and ideology behind both the islamic fundamentalists and the american neoconservatives. Uncovers some shocking facts about the war on terror. A must see!

IMDB link
Wikipedia info

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3