Saturday, December 30, 2006

Free to Choose 07 - Who Protects The Consumer

State protection vs free market

Conversations with History: Activism, Anarchism, and Power, with Noam Chomsky

On this edition of Conversations with History, UC Berkeley's Harry Kreisler is joined by linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky to discuss activism, anarchism and the role the United States plays in the world today

Good interview with Chomsky. Maybe the other shows in the series are good too.

UC Berkeley lecture at google video

Friday, December 29, 2006

Free to Choose 06 - What's Wrong With Our Schools

State education vs private education

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Collection of articles by Mark Curtis

Various political and economical articles investigating hypocritical western governments and corporate abuse. There is also a couple of interesting reports about trade barriers in particular.

Official EU site on global trade issues - interesting contrast

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Free to Choose 05 - Created Equal

Audio in this one is a couple of seconds out of sync.
This episode features Milton attacking his own simplified idea of the socialist idea equality (an argumentative technique known as creating a straw man). He also defends the right to inherit money with a strange statement: that there is no ethical difference between inherited capital and inherited skills. How about practical difference?

Milton: Equality = Cutting the tallest trees down.

The top 10 percent of the US population has an aggregate income equal to income of the poorest 43 percent of people in the world, or differently put, total income of the richest 25 million Americans is equal to total income of almost 2 billion people." (Milanovic 2002, p.50)

There is one good point in the documentary part though: That capitalist societies generally have wealthier citizens.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Free to Choose 04 - From Cradle to Grave

The usual 27 minutes of Friedman. This time he criticises the welfare system as being bureaucratic and taking away incentive from people. In the debate section there are 2 people involved in welfare work and they make a good argument.

Free to Choose 03 - Anatomy of a Crisis

Starts out with Friedman's explanation of the 1929 depression and ends in a rather vague discussion about government intervention.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Free to Choose 02 - The Tyranny of Control

Deals with subsidies and features a good explanation of currency markets.

Free to Choose 01 - The Power of The Free Market

First part in a series of 10 economic documentaries and debates.
First Milton Friendman advocates the positive effects of free market economics. He uses Hong Kong as an example in particular.
In the latter half of the show, a group of excellent intellectuals: A former governor, the chairman of Motorola, Milton Friedman and a democratic socialist, debate about the economic system.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Overview of the history of major religious expansions

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia

John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country..

A Documentary Film By John Pilger - Runtime 59 Minutes - Produced 1979

Link to movie


Web edit of Short Film: Year Zero, by Louis DelBene and Briar Rantilla. Film combines elements of War on Drugs with War on Terror, ... all » Government Paranoia, Domestic Spying, and general fear of the current Zeitgeist. It was filmed in Kent, OH 2004-2005

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Fast Food World: Perils and Promises of the Global Food Chain

Journalists Michael Pollan, Eric Schlosser and Vandava Shiva join Slow Food International's founder Carlo Petrini for an assessment of the ... all » impact of globalization on food production and consumption in this special event sponsored by the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley. Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism presents" [Public Affairs] [Agriculture]

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Venezuela Bolivariana: People and the struggle of the 4th world war

2004 documentary on the impact of financial neo-liberalism on Latin America and other parts of the world and what Hugo Chavez is doing to stop its spread in Venezuela.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

North Korea

Discovery documentary
45 mins
undercover footage from North Korea vs a journalist's censored trip

Pyongyang military parade 2005

Danish comedy show in North Korea
Interview with various clips.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Despotism (1946) Encyclopedia Brittanica Films

Despotism (1946), Film, 11:00min

Measure how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism. Explains how ... all » societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?

Iran-Iraq War

Good documentary on the Iran-Iraq war full of historical footage

Iraq:The hidden story

The story of what does not get reported in Iraq by the mainstream media.

Feautures Robert Fisk with this opinion. (56 secs)